Walabot API
All you need to know to create a Walabot Application
Building your own project


Walabot library supports a variety of platforms:

  1. windows c++,c#.
  2. linux : c++

Under the example folder you can find

Building project for Windows

You can build you own visual studio project (see below), or use a template version. This project can be found in the walabot folder under example folder. Walabot Installer install the libraries in the following folder: "%Program Files%\Walabot\WalabotSDK\bin\Win32"
Building Application using visual studio 2015 C++ For C++ project you need to use the following libraries:

  1. WalabotAPIWindows.dll
  2. WalabotAPIWindows.lib


  1. In the Visual Studio open new project
  2. Chose console application.
    You may chose a folder and project name
    Press "OK" and "Finish"
  3. Add libraries into the project In the Visual Studio menu: View->Property Manager

  4. Set WalabotAPIWindows.lib into Linker->Input->Additional Dependency

  5. Set "c:/Program Files/walabot/bin/Win32" In the Linker-> General->Additional Library Directories

Building Application using visual studio 2015 C# For C# project you need to use the following libraries:

  1. WalabotAPI.NET.dll
  2. WalabotAPIWindows.lib

Building Application for Linux

Go to the examples directory, and run the script buildAll.sh:

cd /usr/share/doc/walabot/examples

That will build all the examples into binaries which you can run (Of course, don't forget to connect the Walabot device before running them!)
Note: If you have older g++ version, you will probably have to edit the buildAll.sh script to add c++11 support.